Unable to source reasonably priced Sitka Spruce, I purchased a used Mk1 Cormorant mast from the classifieds and set about reshaping to somewhere near the Morbic dimensions.
Joining sole pieces with string line to check straightness Sheathing sole and join in strakes Setting up frame and stem Sole bonded The first garboard trial fit, the cold weather has delayed any further epoxying in the evenings this week, as I would have to heat my poorly insulated garage all night, hopefully this weekend will warm up a little so I can continue.........
A very productive Bank Holiday weekend, nearly ready for paint ! Decks all bonded and filleted, who thought you could build a boat in such small confines? I am definitely getting better at the side step shuffle !! The thwarts are only placed in position, I'll paint everything first then fix them on top, I want to keep them removable for replacement if the soft timber poses an issue. They are made from Abodo timber, light but soft, edged with Sapele, we'll see how it fairs.
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